1 – 01.08.2021- Sunday at 10.30 AM- Sunday at 10.30 AM- Study Class on ‘Key to Theosophy’ Last Chapter CONCLUSION-“The Future of The Theosophical Society” By Bro. U S Pandey, President UP and UK Federation, National Lecturer, Ind. Sec. TS and International Speaker, The Theosophical Society

2 – 06.08.2021- Friday, 8 PM. M.L Class on Chronological letters no-111[ML-59] Part-II by Bro. U S Pande, President UP and UK Theosophical Federation National Lecturer, Ind. Sec. TS and International Speaker, The Theosophical Society

3 – 07.08.2021- Saturday, 7.30 PM – Saturday, 7.30 PM Special Lecture in Hindi on book “KARM MARG” by Bro.Arvind Narware, Secretary Vikram Theosophical Lodge Ujjain, MP

4 – 08.08.2021 Sunday.10.30. AM English Lecture on Subject-“OBLIGATORY PILGRIMAGE” By Bro. Prof C A Shinde Director, Adyar Library and Research Centre, National Lecturer, Ind. Sec. TS and International Speaker, The Theosophical Society

5 – 13.08.2021 Friday, 8 PM. Mahatma Letters Study Class on Chronological letters no-129,125 and 126 [ML-60,61 and 62]1st Session, By Bro. Pradip Mahapatra, National Lecturer.

6 – 14.08.2021 Saturday 7.30 PM Special Lecture Programme in Hindi on “Teachings of Theosophy” By Bro. Nanda N Rout, President of Akot Lodge Akot Maharastra

7 – 15.08.2021 Sunday at 10.30 AM- Special ENGLISH Lecture on “SCHEMES OF EVOLUTION IN SOLAR SYSTEM IN THEOSOPHY” By Bro. Dr. L. Nagesh National Lecturer of the Indian Sec. TS Varanasi, India.

8 – 20.08.21- Friday 08.00 ML Class on Chronological letters no-129,125 and 126 [ML-60, 61 and 62] 2nd Session, By Bro. Pradip Mahapatra, National Lecturer.

9 – 21.08.21– Saturday, 07.30 PM Special Lecture Programme in Hindi on “WISDOM:THROUGH WATCHFUL OBSERVATION in The Light Of The Theosophy” by Brother Ashok P. Lokhende, National Lecturer of Ind. Sec. TS Varanasi.

10 – 22.08.2021- Sunday. 10. 30 AM On BOOK “ Principles of Theosophical Work” written by I K Taimni. “A bird’s eye view” of the book, by Bro. K. Dinakaran, Secretary of Kerala Theosophical Fed.

11 – 27.08.21- Friday 08.00 ML Class on Chronological letters no-128 and 134 [ML -63 and 64] 1st Session By Sis.Vibha Saksena Secretary Noida TS Lodge, Noida, Delhi

12 – 28.08.21– Saturday, 07.30 PM Special Lecture Programme in Hindi on “तन और मन का रसायन ” CHEMISTRY OF BODY AND MIND” by Sister Archana Pandey UP India.

13 – 29.08.2021- Sunday.10. 30 AM Special Lecture “HOW TO SEEK THE WAY” By Brother Pedro Oliveira former International secretary of The Theosophical Society Adyar, Chennai, India and former Education Coordinator Australian Section.