Sample News Letter

Hello every one….. This is a sample news letter. This article is posted to to test our news letter functionality. Thank you Web Master.  


A NEW LIGHT ON AWAKENING [Studies in “Light on the Path” by Mabel Collins] Synopsis: ‘Light on the Path’, scribed by Mabel Collins (1851-1927) and published first in 1885, was described as “A Treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the...

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1.Entrance Fee-Rs.100/ 2.Annual Membership Dues-Rs.150/- for each member. There shall be no benefits for couples. 3.Dues for a member below the age group of 25 years is Rs.75/- 4.Subscription for The Indian Theosophist: [i] Annual [for members]—Rs30/- [ii] Annual for...